Shipment and Delivery

Shipping and Delivery

Order Processing and Shipping Time:

  1. Order Processing: Once you place an order on our website, please allow 2-7 days from dispatch date for order processing. This includes verification, packaging, and preparing your order for shipment.

  2. Shipping Time: The estimated shipping time will depend on your location and the shipping method selected at checkout. Please note that shipping times may vary due to factors beyond our control, such as customs processing and unforeseen delays during transit. Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a confirmation email with tracking information.

Shipping Costs:

  1. Domestic Shipping: We offer free shipping on all domestic orders within India. 

Please ensure that the shipping address provided during checkout is accurate and complete to avoid any delivery issues. We are not responsible for any delays or non-delivery of orders caused by incorrect or incomplete addresses provided by the customer.

If you have any questions or need assistance regarding shipping and delivery, please contact our customer service team at Contact us page.

Please note that these shipping and delivery policies are subject to change without prior notice. It is recommended to review this page periodically for any updates.

Thank you for shopping with us at Zulekha!